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Extract and sort phone numbers, web addresses and email addresses easily!

Happy New Year!! And Happy Extraction!

Extract E-mail Addresses or Website Addresses (URLs) or Phone Numbers
from a Text

How does this work? How can I get all the email addresses (or URL or Phone numbers)? You have a text with a lot of email addresses or telephone numbers or URLs (website addresses)?

Would you like to split a group of joined emails?

  1. Copy all your text into the text box First step: Paste your text here

And your are done!

As a result:
You will have all the email addresses contained in the text appearing on the right side of the boxes (or below if you have a smaller screen), or the grey text No email found.

You will have all the URL (web addresses) contained in the text appearing on the right side of the text boxes (or below if you have a smaller screen), or a grey text No URL found.

You will have all the Phone numbers contained in the text appearing on the right side of the text boxes (or below if you have a smaller screen), or a grey text No Phone number found.

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