extract email addresslogo


Extract and sort phone numbers, web addresses and email addresses easily!

Happy New Year!! And Happy Extraction!

Extract email addresses or urls or phone numbers
From One Column Only, and Paste the Result in the Same Column, Keeping the Original Order

Is there a way to extract out the emails listed in a spreadsheet row by row in one complete column?

Do you have some data like that:

John AJohn A data stuff 98y7986 john.a@agmail.com
John A2John A dgyu788 john.a@gmail.com
John ASylvie BB syl@sylcorp.com
Jack DohJack d 987 jack.d@gmail.com

and you want this result:

John Ajohn.a@agmail.com
John A2john.a@gmail.com
John Asyl@sylcorp.com
Jack Dohjack.d@gmail.com

It is simple, just follow these steps:

Warning: if there is some cells in your original document with no email address, or with more than one email addresses, this method will fail. If this is the case, you have to delete them manually before extracting data

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